Saturday, February 13, 2010

Spring'10 exceeded my expectations

Dream 18

As Ben Parker once said,"With great power comes great responsibility". With the release of spring’10, developers & architects now have great responsibilities to design & develop more efficient & powerful solutions. The release features are so powerful enough to turn certain dreams of developers into a reality... I know, we all know, about the Out-of-the-box enhancements in spring’10. Be it the auto complete on standard search fields, dashboard running user display enhancements, etc... they rock as usual.But I'm most impressed with the implementation of the below ideas:

1. Elimination of the governor limit set on the number of items a collection can hold. Phew ... watt a relief...lolz.

2. Chained relationships... Master -> Child -> Sub-Child. Way to go!

3. When we get into an argument about Cloud vs. Distributed computing, Java/Unix/windows developers/architects used to ask me quite often... what kind of platform is if I cannot have the ability to run my code at scheduled times?? Apex Code Scheduler was made GA. We now have an answer to Cron jobs :)

4.The 3 most wanted aggregate functions in SOQL. Min, Max & Sum.

I'm just excited!!!

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